
Podcast: Wolves in the Church

On this episode of The Roys Report, Coleman Luck, author of 'Day of the Wolf: Unmasking and Confronting Wolves in the Church,' explains why. Dazzled by their ability to pack auditoriums and fill church coffers, Christians often mistake spiritual wolves for spiritual leaders.

He offers criteria for evaluating whether a leader is a shepherd or a wolf. Coleman also describes how to confront a wolf. But he warns—wolves are dangerous. And if you confront one, don’t expect to escape that confrontation without some wounds from the wolf’s attack.

This is a critical discussion for equipping believers to purge the church of its wolves.

What is the definition of a spiritual wolf?

They are a person who has simply decided that their approach to ministry fits the church. That they know that they have a special insight from God. They have no accountability. They are operating on the level of selfishness. They make selfish decisions. And there are people around them constantly who are praising them, stroking them. And if those people stop doing that, then they stop being allowed into the inner circle. They are people who essentially are believing that they are presenting the work of the Lord and preaching and teaching according to what He says and what He taught in the Scripture, but in fact, they are using it to advance themselves.